You told me the sweetest thing I could have ever said to you, was that I turned off my brain and ramble.
It's true.
With you, not words, adjectives, analogies or metaphors could possibly describe what I think about you. I keep using the word beautiful because that is the simplest word I can think of, but each time I say it, I put as much truth and emotion behind it.
I try to speak to you with the emotion inside of me, and that is poorly formed into words. Know that what I say to you is the thinest veil of the emotion behind it.
I wish I could look into your eyes and never look away
I wish I could hold you in my arms, and make you smile and laugh and feel that laughter running through you.
I wish I could see your smile, the way it lights up my world and gives me more energy than a lightning bolt.
I wish I could have lunch with you again, lay on your lap, and just enjoy the day together, no complications, only you, me under the sky, curled together, fingers intertwined.
I wish I could kiss you right now, your lips intoxicate me, they drive my brain, all the thoughts of work, complications and lifes little problems away.
I wish I was with you now. I always wish this, except when I am, and then, I am completely content to be there.
The unusual ramblings of an often insomnia plagued Game Theorist, Experimental Ballroom Dance DJ and Rambling Writer. Read at the risk of enlightenment or more likely... laughter.
About Me

- Grokar
- Me Grokar, To Grok. Me understand what you humans don't. Me not average troll. Me know things.Things to make humans weep and cry for the lack. Let me wisdom you with club of knowledge.
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