It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.
- Chaos Theory
Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways."
There comes a time to grow up and live your own life, not by the direction of others, but by the guidance of your own heart, your god, your mind, whatever you believe should guide you. This is part of being alive, and giving up your childish ways. However there is more to this that just declaring yourself an adult, a man or a woman instead of a child. You need to understand your actions, and the consequences of everything you do.
While people are there to depend on, very often you are not alone in living your life. However nobody can live your life for you. Let nobody but yourself guide you in life. Look to others for advice, but make your decisions, fully aware of what may come of them, yourself.
If you live without a job, you not only hurt yourself, but others around you. Those you must beg for money to live, those that might otherwise benefit from your skill and ability.
If you live without love, understand this. There may be your friends that suffer because you are without, and they do not like seeing you unhappy. Understand that you may be depriving someone else being loved, and be hurting them far worse by not being there for them, even if you have never met them.
There are many such situations. Physics is life. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is however only slightly true.
The reaction is not always equal an opposite. By falling in love with the right person, you dedicate more energy towards loving them than you can imagine, however the reaction is beyond even what you put in. It is not equal, but it is worth the effort.
However above all else, understand this. Do not let the above reasons convince you to grow up, go out there. Do not live to gratify others. Live for yourself, love for yourself, and be alive.
Make typhoons, for when you do, you will be the man or woman you are meant to be. And anyway, the world could do with a little stirring up.
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