So I am one day off of posting the BBQ recap here, so sorry, feel free to hold it against me and abuse me for the delay. Just know that my vengeance will be equally as swift.
Saturday Night, March 20, 2010, I held a triple threat BBQ Housewarming for the new Roomies/Birthday for one of them/hey the weather is freaking awesome, lets have a BBQ party, at my house in Burlingame.
Not as much prep time was needed for this and I think it went over relatively smashingly.
Unfortunately I didn't pay as much attention to the conversations as I was running in and out trying to make sure I didn't char the BBQ'ed goodies on the grill. (Because while I am a fan of setting things on fire, I balk at the concept of consuming them after they have been arsonified. Maybe someone else will comment on them and inform me after the fact.
The Menu!
This is the part that those of you that could not attend have been waiting for and dreading, the oh so delicious "This is what you didn't get by not showing up" list of tasty consumables.
Lets start with the apps.
BBQ party? Yes there was an app for that *rimshot*
A while back I learned of a marvelous Trader Joe's Salsa, a sweet corn and chili salsa, combined with the usual chips and salsa mix around. But to compliment I did a very simple yet tasty bruschetta, diced garlic, tomato, olive, mixed with puréed basil and some vinaigrette on a rustic sourdough baguette and topped with Motzarella cheese. Them's were mighty tasty, let me tell you (He says as he is currently consuming one of the leftover ones [there were not many].)
On to the main dishes.
For the carnivores out there, it was a simple BBQ chicken, with a Raspberry Chipolte BBQ sauce, slow cooked on the top rack to avoid crispification.
(Have you noticed I tend to make up words? I do that often, don't I? It's fun, you should try it, it helps not be so serious about everything.)
For the vegeblats out there, I did a slightly altered version of my previous kabobs in a different marinade. Tofu skewers with onion, mango, orange bell pepper, shiitake mushrooms and cherry tomatoes in a sweet and sour pineapple/peppercorn mixed marinade.
For the side dishes, we did simple grilled white corn in the husk, your typical salad with all the fixings, and then the Mother's Mac Salad recipe, which is Macaroni, Celery, Olive, Red Onion, Cucumber, Mustard, Mayo, Celery Salt, Paprika and a tiny bit of hard boiled egg, diced, all tossed together.
Moving into dessert was the Red Velvet and Cake Batter ice cream cake (Courtesy of Eric Torr and Cold Stone Creamery)
A marvelous bread pudding (Brought by the wonderful Jackie Pham and Alex Bullitt)
And some brilliant chocolate cookies with walnuts/M&M's (The Joyful Elizabeth Joyce and Brendan Wells)
From 7 until just after midnight we kept up, with the center of attention for once, not focusing on me (Thank the maker) But instead on Jesse Wood (The new roomie) and of course, the ever present Mina!
At that point, as things progressively always must, they ended, I got some help cleaning up, I grabbed some tea, the puppy curled up on the bed, and we went to sleep.
Was it really this epic? Probably more so, but I'm just not good at the whole writing Epic stories thing yet.
Stay tuned for next time when we will attempt "The Crackers don't Matter" Party, with Pizza, Margarita shooters and Bikini clad Sebacean women. Ok probably not that last part, as I don't think I can get an alien race on short notice, but the first two should be interesting.
Catch you on the flip side folks.
1 comment:
Your veggie kabobs sound so delicious and I love red velvet cake. I'm bummed I missed out on your BBQ! Maybe next time.
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