Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. - Optimus Prime
Seriously, I love everyone here. I could count each and every one of you a friend and still feel I was being completely honest with myself. I would bend over backwards to help you out if you needed my help.
But seriously, this election and these politics are turning a lot of my friends, a lot of the people I am connected to, against each other.
We live in America, we have freedom of speech and opinion. Respect that.
I don't give a fuck what the rest of the internet land is doing, I don't even care what your friends are saying or doing on their blogs, who is attacking who, who said what to whom and whether there was a mother fucking gerbil involved. It's not worth alienating friends and getting confrontational over.
So enough. Seriously.
The election is over in November, why are you going to be saying things that may hang over your heads beyond that, maybe permanently damage your friendships with people you have known, danced with, had meals with, and called friend beyond that E-day?
It's not fucking worth it, and I'm tired of seeing friends turn on friends.
I don't care if you are Christian, Buddhist or Pastafarian. Your leanings of liberal, conservative, or The GOD DAMN Batman.
Democrat, Republican, Socialist, or Fascist, doesn't fucking matter to me. You are all my friends, no matter what you believe, and I will respect that.
The rights of everyone to have their opinion is their right given to them in this country. Freedom of speech. And I cannot, and will not ask you to stop exercising that.
However I will ask that you consider what you say, what the implications of your hostility and words may have on some longstanding relationships you may have spent years developing. And consider, is it worth it to say those words?
Why does it matter if homosexuals can get married or not? If you don't like it, don't marry one. If you feel compelled to marry one, try to understand that some people have been raised and ingrained to believe that is morally and ethically wrong.
Taxes are Taxes are Taxes. Taxes are going to fluctuate about a zillion times in our lifetimes, what does it matter if they are higher this year than others? Does that much policy, which draws party lines, Obama or McCain, really deserve fanaticism on the level of faking injuries to damage a campaign and turn friends against each other? Or trying to nitpick every wrong word said by an older man with experience and wisdom, and yes, a bit of a temper. Frankly, we're human, anger is an emotion. Everyone has a temper, get used to it. Oh and youth and inexperience? You say that like it's a bad thing. Sorry, but if it's one thing EVERYONE has, going into something they have never done before, it's youth and inexperience.
Friendships and freedoms. Those are what should matter right now. The right to say what you like, between you and your friends, the people that care about you, and not worry about being turned on or attacked for your beliefs. You should not need to worry that they may think less of you because you are voting for ObamaCainAlinIden '08. They should respect you for who you are, their friend, and the values that shaped and formed you into becoming your friend. However you need to respect THEM as well. Respect or not, acceptance and freedoms that we value in this country comes down to one question.
Do you love your home, your country, and the people in it you call your friends?
If so, grow up and act like it.
Both campaigns tout change, well frankly, I am not seeing change for the better from either side.
So I'm going to tell you what to vote this year. Vote "America" vote "Friendship" vote for what matters to you, and respect the tenants of human right to choice.
Beyond that, I wash my hands of this shit. If you all want to keep it up and keep attacking one another, by all means, just don't talk to me until after all this is fucking over and done.
Why does it matter if homosexuals can get married or not? Because the way the proposition is phrased would lead to a constitutional restriction of freedoms. This sets an awful precedent for slippery slope and must be avoided at all costs.
Once again, I would like to preface, I am against prop 8, or any law that would remove basic human freedoms. However my POINT is that, is that worth tearing apart friendships and relationships over, a difference of opinion and beliefs, if someone's faith says it is wrong, and someone else think it is right, they are BOTH right, and have the rights to express their choice with their vote.
But would you attack your neighbor in a shouting match, bordering major hostility, because they think the sky is green, but you know it is purple? Both are right, sort of, but are clouded by their personal judgments.
That is the issue with this election, that is the issue with these choices, not what the choices are about, but what we are doing to ourselves as a people, to be the dominant member of the "who is right and wrong" food chain.
And THAT is what I find reprehensible.
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