"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinions; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
If I could say something to President-Elect Obama right now, it would be this.
Earn this.
We trusted you, we voted for you, we supported you.
Don't fuck it up.
We've had 8 years of being treated like a hostile populace in our own homes.
We have been lied to, deceived, abused, and ignored when we raised our voices against our government.
Well now we need have been heard. Now we made our voices clear in what we want.
This is your chance for change that you wanted and said you would give us.
Don't fuck it up.
You can go down as the man that brought liberties, freedoms and the hope of America to be the place it used to be.
Don't fuck it up.
And to all my friends, Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, or yes, even you supporting the God Damned Batman.
Go find someone of the other party, shake their hand, give them a hug, remember why you are friends, and that the right to your own choice is what makes this country what it is. Let go of the anger of being on opposing sides. Lets make the best of this. No matter what your viewpoints we are all together in this.
We aren't on opposite sides anymore, we never were. We are all Americans, and we are all human beings. We are also friends. If you said harsh words in the past few months, or years, call that person up, and apologize. Forgive and forget.
We are in this together now, as American citizens and we always were. Lets make this a place to call home again.
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