"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." - Mahatma Gandhi
I have never known anyone who has not ever suffered a moment of crushing self loss, who feels alone and lost, and without a path, even for just an instant.
It is a sense of agony deeper than any loss you can suffer. But sometimes, one glance, one thought, one chance of fate can come and set things aright, especially when you don't expect it.
Those without love may look across a room and find it in the unassuming eyes of another, and kindle a great burning passion long dormant inside their heart.
Those without faith may find something to believe in at the chance word or action.
It is only those without hope for the future that are lost. For without hope for a future, you cannot see the future surrounding you. Without looking forward you cannot see where you are going, so you remain still.
One of the sweetest feelings in life is hoping and having your hopes fulfilled. But even if they are not, you should not give them up. Treasure your dreams and you will make them true.
I have found my hope, my faith. I began to dream again about a real future. I found it in myself. And in this ocean, I choose to swim forward with this current. it will take me where it wills. And I will enjoy the peace I have found in the journey no matter the destination.
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